
I survived, but only because I always believed there was a big plate of tasty food waiting for me around every corner!
Birth February 2024
Sex Male
Reintegrated September 2024

L ife dealt poor pup Chip a tough hand indeed. Found struggling to survive on the streets alongside his brother, Dale, Chip was battling a severe and debilitating skin condition. But don't let his rough start to life fool you, this joyful young scamp has never lost his desire to live, or the belief that around every corner, lies something wonderful!

There’s nothing more endearing than a pooch with enthusiasm for everything, and now that he’s healed, Chip loves everything about his life, especially people and food! With a healthy appetite that fuels his energetic passion for simply being alive, this lovable guy is looking for a home in which he can express himself freely, while receiving the appropriate guidance that all youngsters need in order to develop into well-rounded companions and entertainers! If you’ve got the love and patience (along with a well-stocked pantry!) that Chip needs to live a healthy life as the newest furry addition to your family, you might be just who we are looking for. Looking for double the trouble, but twice the fun, love and loyalty? Consider adopting both Chip and his brother, Dale - wouldn’t it be magical if they could stay together?

Chip and his brother, Dale, have been reintegrated into their community. The human members of the community are taking care of them; they is being protected and fed, and will be brought to HAS for any required medical treatments.