
Don’t be fooled by my big heart and gentle nature; I can protect you better than any bodyguard!
Birth February 2024
Sex Male
Reintegrated September 2024

D ale is a gentle giant with a heart of gold. He and his brother Chip, share an unbreakable bond, forged when they found themselves all alone and fighting to survive on the city’s streets; with only each other for comfort. Also battling a severe skin condition that left him itchy, sore and miserable, we saw the relief in the little guy’s eyes when he finally knew help had arrived.

Even when receiving treatment for his skin condition, Dale’s love for food never wavered, but worry not, there’s little chance of him getting fat with all the running around and playing he loves to do! A natural protector, he and Chip are inseparable, watching over each other, and anyone else with whom they share a bond. Adopt a dog like Dale, and you will never feel alone or unsafe again, and if you’ve got the space and time to devote to two loyal, protective fur-buddies, why not adopt them both together?

Dale and his brother, Chip, have been reintegrated into their community. The human members of the community are taking care of them; they is being protected and fed, and will be brought to HAS for any required medical treatments.